Give me a Kiss Woman!

Give me a Kiss, Woman!

Give me a Kiss, Woman!

Here’s a picture I took of my favorite piece of art in San Diego.  The young couple was kind enough to pose for me.  The sculpture they’re imitating is by J. Seward Johnson, the grandson of Johnson & Johnson fame.  He is a well-known contemporary artist specializing in “art for the public”, for people who feel intimidated by museums.  The original version, bronze, was temporarily exhibited during the 2005 anniversary of V-J Day (victory over Japan) in Times Square. This iconic twenty-five foot version is constructed in painted styrofoam and aluminum.   An original photograph of the real couple was taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt shown on the cover of Life Magazine portraying an American sailor kissing a nurse, August, 1945. Life Magazine claimed copyright infringement. I couldn’t find any information whether there was legal action or not.

In the short 5 days in San Diego, I managed to make a quick tour of Balboa Park on a complimentary press pass.  The famous San Diego Zoo is in the park, but time would not allow that visit.  I quickly went through the San Diego Museum of Art.  I was impressed with their permanent collection.  I need to go back and spend some time in the San Diego area!!!

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