Considering a recent “back to the past” moment, I am planning two important events. One, a group trip to see Georgia O’Keeffe’s Ghost Ranch and the Pueblo people’s cave homes and more immediately, an Imperfect Pottery Party. I had a glimpse, a small window into the old me; the me that had so much energy, the me that had creative brain neurons firing almost constantly. That moment was almost frightening! I didn’t realize what was missing until I saw it again. It was such a welcome, but a quickly fleeting moment. It’s been three years, less one month, today, since Mitone decided to have a brain aneurism and check out on us. For the next three days we’re celebrating Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), another attempt at putting one foot in front of the other without losing the good memories. “Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday celebrated {……..,} by people of Mexican ancestry {…….with } prayer and remembrance of friends and family members who have died.” (Wikipedia) They have picnics in the graveyards and have the deceased’ favorite foods for those that come back from the dead for a visit. Even though I lost my only sibling this September 11 and my very young cousin a week later, I’m not in the funk I’ve lived through for the last three years. Believe me! Lacy and I have stayed remarkably strong and always living in the moment. Therefore! Please join Lacy and me as we celebrate my crawl-out-of-the-basement and off-the-pottery-wheel. We’re feeding the “glimpse” moment with a party. Our house will be open from 10:00am until 8:00pm on Friday, November 24. Come by and see and/or buy my Imperfect Pottery, paintings that need a new home, and all the dust bunnies. Most of all, help me have more moments. All art at rock bottom prices and get the dust bunnies as a gift. Come by and enjoy the cookies I’m making per Lacy’s request. Bring a musical instrument and help Lacy make the house really merry. I’ll have the details of the Colorado/NM trip ready by then.